
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Preparing for the Science Fair Judging-Practice Makes Perfect!

  • If you can communicate your science fair project well, you maximize your chances of winning.
  • Write up a short "speech" (about 2–5 minutes long) summarizing your science fair project. Do not restate your abstract word by word. You will give this speech (from memory) when you first meet the judges. Include in the speech:
    • How you got the idea.
    • How you did the experiment (explain any relevant terms along the way).
    • Your results and conclusions.
    • Why your science fair project is important in today's society (how will it help people today?). You don't have to cure cancer. Perhaps your work will help a small group of people, but it's still important.
    • Demonstrate that you understand the theory behind why your project turns out the way it does.
    • If you can't fit all of this into your presentation, be prepared to discuss each of the above topics separately.
    • Expect to be interrupted when you talk to the judges. You will rarely finish your speech.
  • Organize a list of questions you think the judges will ask you and prepare/practice answers for them. A few common questions are listed below.
    • How much help did you receive from others?
    • What does your data tell you?
    • Why is this research important? (Who cares if a rocket flies well?)
    • What do your graphs represent?
    • What does your data tell you?
    • What problems did you run into while doing your experiment and how did you fix them?
    • What are the three most interesting things you learned when doing this science fair project?
    • What further research do you plan on doing, or would do, to this science fair project? (Your future study)
  • Study your background research as you would for a test. In some ways, presenting your science fair project is like taking an exam. The better you know your background research, the higher the chance you have of winning.
    • This is the part I usually had trouble with: I would do the research and understand everything, but then I needed to study it. I would eventually learn and remember all the facts I should know, but I had to sit myself down and study. Force yourself to pretend there is a test the next day on all of the information, and you will be prepared.
  • Practice explaining your science fair project to others and pretend they are judges.
    • Practice explaining all graphs, tables, your short speech, answers to possible questions judges might ask, etc.
    • Practice explaining the theory behind your science fair project. Theory includes everything from your background research.
    • Videotaping yourself during practice can also be very helpful. Although it can be painful to watch the video, you will see the mistakes you made and be able to fix them the next time you speak.
  • Practice explaining your science fair project in simple terms so anyone can understand it.
    • Many students do not know how to explain their science fair project to the general public. If you can explain your project in laymen's terms, you are one step ahead of everyone else!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Android Programming Jumpstart – 6

  This is lab 6 in my ongoing series of jumpstart Android programming tutorials.
  This lab will focus on selectable ListViews.

Here are some terms that you’ll need to understand to work with ListViews:

  • Context
    • Interface to information about an application environment
    • Typically when a context parameter is needed for your app you will use (this)
  • Adapters
    • The bridge between a View and the data for that viewimage
    • Provides access to the data items
  • ArrayAdapter
    • The ArrayAdapter constructor takes three parameters:
      • The Context to use (this)
      • The resource ID of a view to use
      • The actual array or list of items to show
    • By default, the ArrayAdapter will invoke toString() on the objects in the list and wrap each of those strings in the view designated by the supplied resource.
    • android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1
      • a built in resource that turns those strings into TextView objects styled in a particular way.
    • Definitions for some built in resources can be found here
  • Listeners
    • Interface to setup callbacks for actions on your widgets
    • Use to set up link between a button and onClick

  • ListView
    • To use you will need to define one in your layout
      • android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1
      • android.R.layout.simple_list_item_single_choice
      • android.R.layout.simple_list_item_multiple_choice
    • Assign data to it using setAdapter()
    • Assign functionality to catch users selections using a Listener using setOnItemClickListener()
    • If your View is really just your list, you can make things easier on yourself by having your activity extend ListActivity
      • It will then construct the full screen list for you
      • You must name your ListView @android:id/list

Check out the two different ways of working with a ListView below.  In this first example everything is setup in onCreate().



In this example everything we have broken it out.


Here are some different types of usage for a ListView. 
It is quite versatile and can be used for single or multi selections.